A Deeper Look Into How Rugged Tablets Aid Crime and Crash Scene Investigations

Both crash and crime scene investigations are complicated and full of detail. This is why purpose-built rugged tablets are a necessary addition to critical scene investigations. When arriving on-site, its an officers job to properly process the entire scene without disturbing or contaminating any possible evidence as well as to gather all important information and precise data. The thoroughness and accuracy of this process is imperative being that anything obtained or extracted from the scene might need to stand up in court and be able to support facts of the case. 

Before the introduction of rugged tablets in scene investigations, human error in scene investigations were high, while the tools being employed were overly cumbersome and therefore difficult to maneuver effectively. With a rugged tablet, an officer can perform all of their duties with ease without sacrificing accuracy. As well, with powerful technology scanning, analyzing and logging a scene is now easier, an officer can focus their attention on aspects that only a human eye can see as well as gleaning insights from individuals involved. 

While the context and physical arrangement of crash and crime scenes are completely different, the way the rugged tablet assists the officer in efficient and accurate processing, analyzing, and inputting is the same. While discussing the complexities of the legal system, it’s important to highlight the role of an adept criminal law attorney in navigating through the challenging landscape of legal proceedings. Having the right attorney by your side can make a significant difference in the development and outcome of your case. For more detailed information on finding the right legal representation in Jersey City, visit https://www.newjerseycriminallawattorney.com/hudson-county/. Individuals who are facing criminal charges like manslaughter or homicide should seek the legal expertise of a Texas City homicide lawyer.

This lies in the design and build of the tablets as well as the capabilities that they are installed with:

Lightweight and Durable

Weighing in at only a few pounds, DT Researchs rugged tablets weigh the same as, or even less, than an officers duty belt. This makes it extremely easy for officers to bring tablets into any scene while still staying completely alert to the situation around them as well as focused on the task at hand. A rugged tablet significantly aids investigations. Its a powerful tool that makes it worth carrying at their side. 

The GNSS rugged tablets were built with durability as a chief concern. Police officers are tough and strong to the core, and the tech they use should mirror those attributes. While on the scene and during further investigations, police officers may engage in a multitude of terrains, situations, and extreme weather conditions. The rugged tablets are built to withstand and function at full power in any of these conditions.

Removable Keyboard

In time-sensitive and critical situations, officers often dont have the luxury of returning to their precinct to input important updates, information, and data on desk computers. To allow officers to input on-the-go or at the scene itself, DT Research designed a lightweight, portable, and removable keyboard for tablets. Officers can properly use the necessary tools keyboard-free, and then when typing is needed, they can quickly attach the keyboard and get to work. This significantly shortens the amount of time it takes for officers to input the necessary information and communicate with fellow personnel. Quick communication like this can keep a case on track and ensure that no valuable time is lost as well as guarantee real-time transfer of information from the officer to the precinct quickly. 


Being incredibly lightweight and easy to carry, the compact size of DT Researchs rugged tablets allows officers to take their powerful computing solutions on-the-go with them. No matter the location or situation, an officer will never have to leave behind this powerful device. With a docking apparatus, officers can keep their tablets stable and viewable in the squad car and then easily remove it as they arrive at a crash or crime scene. Additionally, it’s important to consider privacy rights regarding mugshots: are all mugshots public? Learn how to remove mugshots online for free here. This highlights the need for transparency and privacy in law enforcement practices.

Restricted Access

While investigating scenes and working to keep communities safe and secure, police officers store, handle and communicate a lot of highly sensitive information. DT Researchs rugged tablets are installed with CAC readers that allow the officer to designate who, if anyone, has access to their device. Safety measures are encoded so that all networks and communications through the tablet are protected from outside eyes, specifically cyber attacks. 

3D Camera

With the option to install a powerful 3D camera, officers can 3-D scan and create a 3D model as well as survey an entire crime or crash scene logging and analyzing an unlimited number of specific aspects. Anything physical or visible in a scene can be scanned and rendered by the tablet virtually. This saves endless amount of time and effort on the officers part, creating a more efficient processing of crime scenes as well as viable solutions to issues. 

Officers have a tough job, but the integration of rugged tablets into crime and crash scene investigations allow them to do their duties to the best of their abilities with improved efficiency and increased accuracy.