Engineering, architectural, and construction fields can benefit from rugged tablets with 3D cameras, scanners, and CAD software to enhance accuracy at every stage of a build. With purpose-built tech, engineers and general contractors are better able to communicate during a build to ensure every stage is safely and effectively finished according to spec, and any change orders can be communicated between all members of the team to check for compatibility in real-time.
A portable, wirelessly connected, purpose-built tablet helps to accelerate workflows, identify potential problems or bottlenecks instantly, and enable deadlines to be met. Engineers who fully commit to an on the round technologically advanced process and collaborating with consultation managers in real-time can deliver beyond expectations for a seamless build experience.
Rugged Tablets for Engineers
3D RealSense camera capability and scanner can allow quick 3D reads to be taken of a builds interior, highlighting any potential issues and sharing information between all team members in real-time. Blueprints can be adapted and updated, and inefficiency reduced to a minimum.
Measuring capability that is centimeter-accurate allows precise updates to be made to keep projects on track even in changing situations, and rugged tablets allow all participants to stay informed of such changes. GIS features mean every location specific piece of data is tagged and recorded.
Matching the highly accurate digital measurements with digitally verified photographic images provides a clear real-time picture of a build at any stage. Fast, efficient IT system data transfers reduce the chances of discrepancies and reveal the location of badly recorded underground or buried utilities assets the condition of which can be established via 3D and 2D images.
Communication and Accuracy Meet to Deliver Superior Results
CAD software compatibility means engineers can seamlessly communicate with everyone on the project to deliver expertise even when not physically present. Full Windows 10 operating system and hot-swappable battery means rugged tablets can be used in tandem with third party systems without issues or downtime. Since Building Information Management (BIM) can be accurately updated based on measurements taken by both trained surveyors as well as non-specialists, delays due to the former need to get an engineer on-site can be avoided.
Rugged tablets perform at high speeds and transmit data in real-time, striking that all-important balance between a laptop and a smartphone. The RealSense Camera and scanner are an engineers dream kit, allowing them to more effectively manage projects in tandem with fully informed general contractors to bring buildings to life or update existing ones for safety and efficiency.