The Smart Way to Build Smart Cities: Rugged Tablet BIM Technology

Theres no denying that the common thread of all smart cities around the globe is highly-advanced technology, specifically information and communication technologies (ICT) that collect copious amounts of data on all functions and operations within the city.

This data is constantly turned into insights which are used to effect changes that enhance the quality and performance of urban services such as energy, transportation, and utilities. In summation, the goal is to increase the quality of living for residents through smart technology.

But what if the city could already be created smart even as it is being designed and constructed? What if residents could step into more efficient days the moment the smart city turned on rather than slowly over time? What if future inefficient operations could be predicted and changed before they occurred?

This is where rugged tablet BIM technology comes in and changes the game for smart city construction.  

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an intelligent 3D model-based process that gives construction professionals the insight and tools to more efficiently design, plan and constructs infrastructure.

How is this possible? And how does rugged tablet BIM technology specifically aid the most efficient construction of smart cities? Lets discuss below: 

Speed is the Need

According to recent research, the smart city market is expected to pass $1 trillion in 2019 and go on to $3.48 trillion by 2026. This means that not only have smart cities proven to be extremely profitable, but more cities are going to begin to convert to this revenue-driving format. 

More specifically, in regards to construction and rugged tablet technology purposes, the research also found that a major area of growth will come from the smart building segment, which is the building block for all of the smart city development.

The only way developers will be able to keep pace with smart city development and the necessary level of collaboration is through the extremely advanced tech-tool that is BIM. This is because no other piece of technology can efficiently connect all the building elements from planning, to designing, to constructing as well as provide actionable insight throughout all phases of the process.  

Visualization and Insights 

This is achieved through BIMs ability to offer a detailed and accurate 3D model that allows all personnel to visualize exactly what the smart city will look like all the way down to the placement of each electrical line. 

With this model, the team can update crucial changes and with the technology being embedded in DT Researchs Rugged Tablets, these updates can be communicated in real-time so that all personnel have access to the most recent information. As well, BIM allows manufacturers and developers to run alternative scenarios and visualize the entire planned sequence of the project. They can also see the outcomes and gain insights on all changes and new measures. 

One of the pivotal benefits of BIM is its ability to detect and resolve clashes, such as instances where plumbing fittings intersect with electrical fittings. By identifying these conflicts early on, adjustments can be made to the design, thus preventing potential delays and cost overruns. This proactive approach is particularly crucial for projects like water line installation seattle wa, where precision and efficiency are paramount. Ensuring seamless integration within the existing infrastructure and adherence to local regulations further underscores the importance of professional expertise in such endeavors.

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Looking back to the alternative scenarios that the team can run, these scenarios arent only options for different designs, layouts and plans for smart city, but also outcomes of real-life events and conditions that can be placed on the model. Taking it even further, the team can ensure that their plan is complying with any pre-set specifications or county/state regulations data to which rugged tablets have full access to and can upload into the model. 

The Answer is BIM

The pairing of BIM and rugged tablets is a match made in construction heaven. With real-time communication available in rugged tablets through the use of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, not only can all personnel communicate quickly between each other, but any and all updates can be immediately shown to project stakeholders and other important decision-makers.

Rugged tablets with BIM technology allows developers and builders to see an infinite number of possibilities when it comes to layout and design, adding efficiency and preventing complications before the work is done. 

Smart city building and maintenance just got easier, and as the number of smart cities grows, so will the need for technology that can support their goal of happier and more efficient urban life.