Inventory Management for the New Year Made Easy with Purpose-Built Tablets

The end of 2019 is here and for the retail, restaurant, and manufacturing industries, that means inventory management taking stock of whats on hand, back in storage, and what needs to be replenished.  

The best way to ensure a smooth start to the new year is a healthy inventory. 

DT Researchs rugged tablets werent just made to be outside and on the go, they were also built to be a workers right-hand in warehouses, storage facilities, and other inventory locations. Whether its food, clothes, furniture, supplies, or materials, our purpose-built tablets track all of it, so you can feel confident heading in the new quarter. Visit this site if you’re looking for high-quality furniture pieces.

Heres how DT Researchs tablets support the end of the year inventory management for retail, restaurant and manufacturing industries:

Seamless Delivery to Digital Records 

With an embedded barcode scanner, high storage capacity, and a windows processor, DT Researchs rugged tablets can scan every shipment and delivery that your company receives. This scanning will include the exact number of items per shipment, where they came from and when they were received. Once a shipment is scanned, the tablet can digitally store that information. If a manager ever needs to know where certain items are or how many of said item is in inventory, they can quickly access the item with the tablet. 

Through this process, when 2019 end of year inventory management comes around, there wont be a scramble to find the written logs or even the digital computer logs that are stored in different places and under different names. With a few clicks, you will be able to see everything at once and know exactly what needs to be ordered for 2020.  

Location on Lock 

Retail, restaurant and manufacturing companies often have in-house storage spaces for supplies that can be quickly pulled from and used daily as well as Shipping Container Hire where the majority of their inventory is housed. There are also a variety of items that are impossible to efficiently store inside the main location of the business.

This can lead to the frequently occurring question: Where is _______?  

With so much going on, its near impossible to mentally keep track of whats where luckily, DT Researchs purpose-built tablets can do that for your entire company.

With an Intel 8th Generation Core processor, our tablets have the capacity to store and present all of the information that the human mind is incapable of recalling. Whenever you need to know where an item is or find out if an item is on-hand, in storage or on the way, a purpose-built tablet can provide you with that information. 

Speedy Supply Orders 

While moving through the end of year inventory check with the rugged tablet, it will quickly become clear what needs to be replenished for the new year.

You can extract exact amounts of each type of supply and turn that data into an order for a refill and send it out from your rugged tablet even before the holidays get into full swing. This way, as the new year comes, youll have new supplies coming in to help you meet demand.