Rugged Tablets for Emergency Billing

Surprise or delayed medical bills can be a real issue for both patients and medical staff. The bigger the internal lag, the more time between service and payments. From the ambulance ride to the arrival at the hospital, staff should be aware of the patients information for both care and billing purposes. The more the hospital knows and sooner, the faster and more efficiently the patient receives treatment. Heres how rugged tablets can aid hospitals and first responders with faster information transfer.

Emergency transfers run 24/7 and therefore need equipment that does the same. Rugged tablets have the rugged technology needed to withstand harsh environments and conditions, while also keeping up with the workload of first responders and integrating with hospital technology to have all information needed for the patient transferred in real-time from the ambulance. The durability of rugged tablets for emergency vehicles includes vibration protection and long-term reliability withstanding test after test without breaking down.

GNSS and 4G Connection

Through the use of GNSS or Global Navigation Satellite System, tablets like the DT301T Rugged Tablet provide accuracy and integrity when it comes to connection. Satellite-based communication is more reliable and effective, especially when it comes to transferring sensitive information quickly. All of our tablets are equipped with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Broadband features. Not to mention 4G technology which allows for a farther-reaching broadband cellular network. Tablets are an amazing way for hospitals to transfer information safely and quickly from remote locations.

Barcode Scanner

Once a hospital bracelet has been placed on a patient, medical tablets are able to scan the information. Each tablet comes with the optional feature of a barcode scanner for tracking patients, medicines, technology assets, and other inventory. Some come with a Real Sense Depth Camera, like the DT311Y Rugged 2-in-1 Tablet. Cameras are another great way to collect information that illustrates case detail. Nothing is more important than clear, effective communication, so your technology should be well equipped for the task, and fully integrated data capture is a quality that can be counted on.

Smart Card Readers

Smart card/CAC readers are primarily used for secure information access level authentication. Through smart card readers, a hospital or ambulance can determine the subscriber using the system as well as their clearance level.

Banks and other high-security industries use this practice for network login authentication. Working with the bank that reported you to ChexSystems is another point of successful ChexSystems removal (even if they decline, you keep the proof). The medical and banking industries work with an array of sensitive information, so security needs to be up to par. Its not just about delivering information quickly but doing so securely. Healthcare staff can instantly gain access to the level of medical records they are authorized to see with their ID clearance card.

Hot-Swappable Batteries

Hot-swappable batteries allow first responders to exchange spent batteries for fully charged ones without a disruption in the care being provided for a patient while the battery is being replaced. All systems will function during the exchange without having to power down the tablet and restart it, therefore no patient data is lost and operations can continue moving forward. There is no downtime with 24/7 operation. 

Faster More Accurate Billing

Billing can be automated through the use of rugged tablets; once the patient is in the care of first responders, insurance can be identified prior to ever entering the hospital and billing sent automatically. This reduces the time it takes for ambulance care teams to get paid for their services.Each step of patient interaction and treatment is documented on the tablets, improving the accuracy of care and billing.

Time and money can be saved by choosing the right technology for information transfer and billing needs. Were constantly improving the speed and durability of our tablets, which is why were so dependable in the medical industry. From the minute a patient enters a hospital or ambulance care, you and your staff are responsible for the internal process. A delay in information could mean a delay in proper care or reimbursement. Dont let a delay in information keep you from getting paid. Explore your options at DT Research today.