Digital Transformation for the Utility Sector: Powering Up for the Future

The utility sector is no stranger to transformation. From the early days of the electricity industry to the modern era of renewable energy, utilities have constantly adapted to meet the changing needs of society. However, the rapid pace of technological change in recent years has presented new challenges and opportunities for utilities.  

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Rugged Tablets for Microgrids

A microgrid is a small-scale, local energy system that can disconnect from the traditional utility grid and operate independently. It can function as a sophisticated backup power system during grid repairs or other events that cause extensive power outages because of its independence and capacity to continue operating on its own. A microgrid is far more resilient to storms and other natural calamities because there is no significant infrastructure to maintain or replace.

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Control Your Assets From “Anywhere” with Rugged Tablets

Asset management ensures that the tools used to complete a job can be easily located on-site, are available, and are in working order.  The problem often is, there’s simply too much to track without a centralized system of accountability that isn’t a pen-and-paper process.  With poor asset management practices comes increased labor costs, equipment losses, and the potential for unneeded spending on duplicate assets.  Needless to say, you need your assets to be ready for use every day and rugged tablets can help.

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