Subways, buses, and trains are essential to every major citys infrastructure and way of life. When one way of commuting through the city is delayed or shut down, the entire city feels the slowdown. Workers run late, offices cant function properly and on time, residents are delayed, and city functions come to a halt. Therefore, city planners and transportation employees must appropriately plan for, execute and track scheduled maintenance, repairs and employee time off to ensure the city runs optimally.
Continue reading “Efficient City Transportation is Key to a Productive City”Month: January 2020
Smart Cities Integrate Rugged Tablets for Collecting, Monitoring and Communicating Data
City maintenance teams are hard at work ensuring the infrastructure and appeal of the city remains up-to-date and fully functional. The responsibilities of city maintenance employees has a large range with duties including the maintenance of sidewalks, city curbs, sanitation services, street maintenance, city parks, traffic and lighting, and assistance with transit needs. Tracking all of the responsibilities of maintenance around the city requires efficient processes and real-time communication among teams.
Continue reading “Smart Cities Integrate Rugged Tablets for Collecting, Monitoring and Communicating Data”Happy New Year!
We are looking forward to a new decade and new year with each and every one of you! thank you for being a part of our community.