Rugged Tablets with the 3D RealSense Camera Captures Digital Twins for City Infrastructure Projects

Digital Twin is a newly integrated technology that is gaining traction in a variety of industries, with the ultimate goal of uniting physical and virtual spaces. So far, the Digital Twin concept has been used in a variety of engineering domains, including engineering design, manufacturing, automation, and the construction industry.

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Workers Increase Efficiency with Rugged Tablets for Job Related Tasks

Among a diverse set of industries, companies are seeking to assist their teams with improving productivity and increasing job efficiency, helping their teams work smarter not harder. Technology is playing a large role in simplifying job-related tasks, improving outdated processes, and streamlining projects. As customer demands increase, and the landscape of business operations as we once knew it, changes rapidly given the current state of affairs in the world, teams are in need of supportive tools that improve their working life and remove barriers that reduce productivity.

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3D RealSense Camera on Rugged Tablets Aids Infrastructure Projects

Infrastructure projects are a necessity to maintaining cities nationwide. Knowing when specific areas of city infrastructure need to be updated, maintenance or replaced is crucial to knowing when projects need to be scheduled. Throughout each city, crews are responsible for checking utility lines, water lines underground, where wires, pipes, and cables are located. 

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