Drone Forensics and Rugged Tablets for Accurate Processing of Crime Scenes

Processing a crime scene requires thorough, accurate documentation of every single piece of potential evidence at the scene. Oftentimes processing a crime scene takes hours to process to ensure all of the information is documented correctly. Information that is collected and stored must be done so in a manner that can hold up in court. 

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Manage Manufacturing Shortages and Inventory Accuracy using Rugged Tablets

Supply chain managers are constantly hammered by distractions. They get stuck monitoring on-time deliveries, vendor-managed inventory (VMI), and impending shortages. Although there are initiatives from supply chain managers in implementing processes to reduce shortages, save costs, and smooth operations, they are often left feeling frustrated by the challenges of dealing with material shortages, especially over the last year.

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Rugged Tablets for Renewable Energy Management

In today’s world, the increasing need for energy and factors such as increasing energy costs, limited reserves, and environmental pollution, leads renewable energy to be one of the most attractive energy sources. Since renewable energy sources have an unlimited supply and they do not cause environmental pollution, they are currently being studied extensively and being utilized more and more every day.

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Rugged Tablets: The Complete Mobile Solution for Your Field Workers

Field service organizations depend on rugged tools that can weather any environment and situation, and the same is true for their field computing and communication devices. The field service industry, public utilities, and fleet maintenance and repair services all face the same challenges — difficult weather, tight schedules, real-time communication, and the need for centralized data access and input.

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Moving Shipping Logistics to New Dimension

Whether working in a large warehouse or shipping a single product, knowing the dimensions of packages is important to the bottom line. It’s imperative that package and pallet measurements are recorded accurately and efficiently. IF you want to learn more about freight, shipping and etc. You can read the full info here!

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