Rugged Tablets with the 3D RealSense Camera Captures Digital Twins for City Infrastructure Projects

Digital Twin is a newly integrated technology that is gaining traction in a variety of industries, with the ultimate goal of uniting physical and virtual spaces. So far, the Digital Twin concept has been used in a variety of engineering domains, including engineering design, manufacturing, automation, and the construction industry.

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Using 3D Rugged Tablets for Accident Investigation Training

Imagine an innovation that could allow first responders to examine accident sites safely. What if they could examine the damage of an event from a distance? This could allow them the time and strategy for when they do step on site. As per Beach Injury Lawyers, this will potentially limit accidents that could take place as a result of going in blind. In many legal cases, polygraph tests are employed to discern the truth in criminal investigations. They can be a useful tool in gathering evidence, and are often used in conjunction with other investigative techniques. Contact lie detector experts for professional services. Below are the ways the use of drones and rugged tablets could make first responders’ lives less risky.

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3D Camera for Digital Twin Prevents Errors for Construction, Architecture, and Engineering

3D scanning creates high-precision 3D models of real-world objects. Multiple shots are taken of an object which are then remodeled into an exact 3D copy of that object that shows each and every angle in the computer. The 3D Camera for Digital Twin creation and 3D Scanning has a very important role in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction. It gives accurate data representations starting from design throughout the completion of the project. 3D scans replicate sites and ornate details which is very useful in verifying the conditions and locations of every phase of the project (floors such as, walls, windows, doors, buildings).

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3D Scanning for Shipment Verification Improves Warehousing Logistics

3D scanning is changing the game for warehousing logistics. With the use of this technology, millions of dollars can be saved from product losses per year. Just in the USA alone, billions of dollars are lost annually to damaged products and loss of inventory. Often it is hard to thoroughly and accurately track shipments from leaving the warehouse to arriving at their destination.

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