Rugged Tablet Security Features

Security on devices used by government officials, military and private companies who work with branches within the government is a top priority. Security is a topic that continues to expand in conversations globally as threats to systems, processes and procedures remain at risk. As a manufacturer of rugged tablets for both government and military branches, we pride ourselves on added security built into our rugged tablets to protect the information within the network as well as additional security measures within secure buildings so users are authenticated prior to entering a facility.

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3 Reasons the US Navy Depends on DT Research Rugged Tablets

Rapid and reliable information networks are essential for todays highly mobile and dynamic military operations. Mobile information technology provides capabilities that are vital for both projection and protection.

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Inventory Management for Air Force Made Simple with Support from Rugged Tablets

On any given Air Force base – inventory and fleet management are two of the most important logistical tasks on the base to keep it running efficiently. Those responsible for managing thebase logistics have many moving parts to track, order, process and ensure everything is in the right place at all times. Should inventory run out or be misplaced all other areas of a mission could be affected.

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Securing Defense Supply Chain: The Rugged Difference

The advancement of technology is a double-sided coin on one side, the defense sector now has access to devices with unparalleled capabilities that completely upgrade the accuracy, reliability, and speediness of operations, but on the other side, other military operations have access to similar advanced technology. This dilemma has made the need for safe and secure as well as powerful technology present in the militarys operations more critical than ever.

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3 Reasons Rugged Tablets with Night Vision are the Right Fit for Military Operations

From sunup to sundown, military-grade tablets are built to be carried throughout the entire mission. Adjustable screen dimmers and night vision make that possible for military personnel both on the base and in the field. Having the ability to reduce the screen brightness at night and increase the brightness of the screen throughout the day is critical for the safety of our servicemen and women.

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