Reflections of 2022: Thank You, from Us to You!

As this year comes to a close and we reflect back on the last year, it certainly has been full of changes for many industries. With healthcare fully embracing telehealth, the logistics industry investing in advanced technology for process automation and efficiency, and military sectors becoming more invested in technology that meets their needed standards – we realize that everyone is going through some kind of change within their business.

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3 Major Benefits of RFID in Asset Tracking and Management

Businesses in the supply chain are more concerned than ever with increasing the effectiveness of their operations. For increasing the visibility of their inventories and assets, they are looking to the advantages of RFID asset tracking in the supply chain.

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Rugged Tablets: The Smart Solution for the Smart City

A smart city is a developed metropolitan area that excels in a number of critical areas, including economy, mobility, environment, people, lifestyle, and government. This results in sustainable economic growth and excellent quality of life.

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What Makes a Tablet Rugged?

Image by Conrad Blickenstorfer

Rugged tablets’ popularity is rising rapidly, as many industries are realizing their need for going rugged and upgrading their technology to handle the additional workloads. These durable computers are employed across a variety of industries, and they may even alter the standard norm for work. 

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First Responders Use Rugged Tablets for Dispatched Calls

Rugged tablets have been making their way into new industries as the technology of choice over the last several years. One of those industries is the field of healthcare and first responders. As both of these fields have seen an influx of patients, with a need to work faster and more efficiently in the field in order to keep up with the high demand, rugged tablets emerge as a technology that meets the requirements. 

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