Rugged Tablets for Local Government Infrastructure

The state and local governments have been given the role to provide access to some of the most important services for their citizens. Their responsibilities range from establishing and maintaining public facilities, parks and recreation, community housing,  welfare, public transport, public utilities, and education institutions.

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Rugged Tablets Enable Predictive Maintenance for Renewable Energy Solutions

As renewable energy solutions increase in demand, providers are searching for ways to extend the life of their equipment, improve internal operations, and improve margins. Predictive maintenance strategies are key to prolonging the life of wind turbines, solar panels, and other equipment and, therefore, driving down future operational costs and enhancing sustainability.

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Benefits of Long-Range RFID and Barcode Scanners

Keeping accurate records for inventory is crucial to juggling the moving parts of knowing when to order specific products so the company doesn’t run out and cause a backlog. Asset tracking can also be one of the tedious tasks that has a big impact to a company’s bottom line. Not having accurate records or wrong information logged for specific parts can be a costly mistake that can sideline a business or part of a business for months.

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C1D2 Certification for Safe Operation for US Navy in Hazardous Environments

C1D2 certification is a certification received for rugged tablets that stand the ultimate test of durability and hazardous environments. Not all tablets are created equal, in fact, many don’t come close to passing this and other durability tests, which enable reliable performance for use in places such as warehouses, manufacturing floors, production lines, and hospitals.

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Asset Tracking for Government

As agencies deal with fiscal restrictions and increased supervision of public spending, efficient asset tracking is becoming increasingly crucial. Tools, trucks, and phones, as well as vital documents and preserved information, are all commonly tracked assets in the government sector. Tracking these assets saves money for all federal departments by improving overall management and avoiding assets from being lost or misplaced.

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