Tie the Knot to Support Our Veterans

Were looking forward to attending the WEST 2020, where military personnel come together to learn about current and future naval platforms and technologies.

This is the third year we are supporting our veterans at the show by donating to the Wounded Warrior project, with our #TietheKnot Campaign. Here is how it works:

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3 Reasons the US Navy Depends on DT Research Rugged Tablets

Rapid and reliable information networks are essential for todays highly mobile and dynamic military operations. Mobile information technology provides capabilities that are vital for both projection and protection.

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Inventory Management for Air Force Made Simple with Support from Rugged Tablets

On any given Air Force base – inventory and fleet management are two of the most important logistical tasks on the base to keep it running efficiently. Those responsible for managing thebase logistics have many moving parts to track, order, process and ensure everything is in the right place at all times. Should inventory run out or be misplaced all other areas of a mission could be affected.

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The Military Relies on the 3D RealSense Camera to Improve Military Base Efficiency

On any given military base, there are a lot of moving parts to track, inventory and know when to reorder. Shipments coming in, shipments going out, parts for vehicles and aircraft, and food and supplies for military personnel.

Rugged tablets built with the 3D RealSense camera is an important tool for military personnel, both for estimation and collaboration in operations and base logistics.

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Rugged Tablets Improve Preparations for Critical Navy Operations

In this current digital age, the United States Navy relies on durable, portable, and powerful tools with a variety of applications to support their operations in an ever-changing global landscape.

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