Winning the Battle in Military Asset Management

military grade rugged tablet

The U.S military is one of the most powerful in the world. And, with such great power comes a greater duty to manage its assets properly. From effectively managing and tracking assets, reducing spending on unneeded supplies and eliminating storing obsolete items, the U.S. Army needs technology that assists with military asset management.

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Powerful Tools to Provide 24/7 Security at Construction Sites

Security at construction sites has been an ongoing need and problem to solve over the decades. Many times, crews need to staff a security guard during off-hours to ensure construction equipment is safe and the site is secure. Now with the advancement of technology, construction sites can be secure without needing a person on-site 24/7.

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Military-Grade Tablets Stand the Test of Time and Environments

As we move into a rapidly evolving digital information age, numerous teams in any given industry rely on data to inform decisions made within the organization. Big Data Analytics is the complex process of examining large amounts of data to uncover information — such as hidden patterns, correlations, market trends, and customer preferences, this data helps organizations make informed decisions.

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Medical Cart Computers: Solutions to Improving Patient Care Services

The ability to gather and access data at the touch of fingertips, and to have the ability to take it around wherever you go is invaluable for those working in the healthcare sector. The trend that is transforming the health industry these days known as workstations on wheels or medical cart computers are a staple in the healthcare services industry. These workstations on wheels provide medical workers with the ability to offer bedside patient charting, accurately distribute medication based on patient records, and review doctors’ orders. Medical cart computers are also aiding in the adoption and advancement of telehealth or telemedicine applications.

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DT Research Rugged Tablets: The Revolutionary Forensic Tool

Crime scene investigators are responsible for keeping up with the rapid pace of technological development and advancements in their field. Investigators at the scene need the ability to retrieve and recover data instantly, without the delay of going through dispatch or the need to go back to the office. Crime scene investigation work requires efficiency and effectiveness in their daily routines because situations are rapidly changing and can be potentially dangerous while at a crime or crash scene.

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