How Medical Tablets Cure Personnel Shortages for Healthcare Facilities

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused numerous difficulties across various care settings within the hospital, including higher than normal patient volume in emergency rooms, personnel shortages, diminished bed capacity, and limited resources, especially for PPEs. These challenges lead to overcrowding, increased clinician workload, higher demands on resources, and the additional obstacles of trying to create separation between infected and non-infected patients to minimize the spread of viruses.

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Flu Testing Sites Depend on Medical Tablets for Efficiency and Reduction of the Spread of Bacteria

As flu season quickly approaches, pop up testing sites are in high demand to ensure we are ready to face the season. Because we are currently in a pandemic, testing for the flu is even more important this year than in previous years. Many people will want to know early on if their symptoms are related to COVID or are those of the flu.

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Medical Grade Tablets for Medical Surveys

This year has changed the way business is done across the world and the level of precautions that must take place in order to continue moving the business forward. From healthcare procedures to grocery shopping to large events, the world is finding new ways to innovate and creatively plan for the future as well as deal with our current situation. Medical grade tablets are contributing to the innovation needed to keep many businesses open and operational processes efficient.

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Medical-grade Tablets Prevent the Spread of Infection with Flexibility and Mobility

Healthcare professionals need the flexibility to care for patients in different environments in order to effectively adapt to todays evolving COVID circumstances, said Daw Tsai, president of DT Research. With this understanding in mind, we created a line of medical-grade tablets designed for ultimate mobility, durability, safety, and reliability.

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Medical Cart Computers and Medical Tablets for COVID Testing Sites

As medical facilities continue to see an uptick in business due to COVID-19 cases, popup testing sites have been used to handle the number of people who need to be tested. Long lines in many areas have created the need for more efficiency at the testing site to improve wait times and process flow.

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