3D RealSense Camera on Rugged Tablets Aids Infrastructure Projects

Infrastructure projects are a necessity to maintaining cities nationwide. Knowing when specific areas of city infrastructure need to be updated, maintenance or replaced is crucial to knowing when projects need to be scheduled. Throughout each city, crews are responsible for checking utility lines, water lines underground, where wires, pipes, and cables are located. 

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Moving Shipping Logistics to New Dimension

Whether working in a large warehouse or shipping a single product, knowing the dimensions of packages is important to the bottom line. It’s imperative that package and pallet measurements are recorded accurately and efficiently. IF you want to learn more about freight, shipping and etc. You can read the full info here!

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Rugged Tablets to Manage Asset Checkouts by Staff

Theme parks, theatres, and movie sets require their employees to check out costumes and assets required to do their job; those assets need to be tracked and managed as they are used and returned to ensure none are lost. Mismanagement of costumes and assets could be expensive to replace if they are lost, costing the company thousands per year and time to replace items.

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Using 3D Rugged Tablets for Accident Investigation Training

Imagine an innovation that could allow first responders to examine accident sites safely. What if they could examine the damage of an event from a distance? This could allow them the time and strategy for when they do step on site. As per Beach Injury Lawyers, this will potentially limit accidents that could take place as a result of going in blind. In many legal cases, polygraph tests are employed to discern the truth in criminal investigations. They can be a useful tool in gathering evidence, and are often used in conjunction with other investigative techniques. Contact lie detector experts for professional services. Below are the ways the use of drones and rugged tablets could make first responders’ lives less risky.

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Rugged Tablets for Tracking Deployment to Crisis Situations

Rugged tablets are the dependable solution for National Guard deployments.

The National Guard is the nations most diverse branch of the military with the capability of being deployed both domestically and internationally. In times of crisis where communities need help, they are ready to step in and provide aid where it is needed. When the National Guard is called to duty it is almost always in an emergency situation whether it be for natural disaster relief, search and rescue missions,  to distribute supplies such as in communities hit by COVID-19 and many other challenging situations where trained personnel are needed for the difficult situations.

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