One of the key elements that define a nation’s stability is its national security. Thus, It is essential to enhance the technology utilized by military and government employees to strengthen internal operations, base and field logistics, and security of data.
Continue reading “Military-grade Tablets: The Solution for Air Force Critical Missions”Category: Military-grade Tablets
Using Rugged Tablets to Detect and Prevent Cyberattacks in the Navy
Similar to physical warfare, cyberattacks depend on how well they are executed to have a negative outcome. The increased digitization of the navy has led to an increased interest in implementing cybersecurity solutions.
Ships are can be vulnerable to cyber threats due to the digitalization of their command and control systems, and their connection to other naval assets via radio frequencies, satellites, and data linkages.
Continue reading “Using Rugged Tablets to Detect and Prevent Cyberattacks in the Navy”Revolutionizing Emergency Response with Rugged Tablets
Now more than ever, there’s more pressure on emergency services around the world to speed up response times and improve patient care during transport. Providers of emergency medical services (EMS) are currently seeking creative solutions to maintain a good level of service at a lower cost. There is a need now for emergency responders to be able to send information from the response site to the hospital before arrival. Sending insurance and preliminary treatment information prior to arrival makes check-in and processing much faster. With the influx of patients that responders and hospitals have seen over the last year, being able to communicate in real-time is becoming a need rather than a want in the healthcare industry.
Continue reading “Revolutionizing Emergency Response with Rugged Tablets”DT Research Rugged Tablets: Night Vision Solutions for the Military
Night vision technology is most known for thermal area searches with binoculars, monoculars, and scopes. Many industries, including construction, medicine, and the military, actively and successfully use systems based on this technology and thermal imaging devices.
Continue reading “DT Research Rugged Tablets: Night Vision Solutions for the Military”4 Ways Rugged Tablets Help Expands Marine’s Competitive Space
The modern marine needs computing capabilities that can scale and adapt to their various duties. Each mission may have its own set of criteria as well as ruggedization requirements. As a result, rugged technology designers are creating systems that are adaptable enough to suit the Marines’ diverse mission and human factor needs.
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