Top Ten Things to Consider When Choosing the Right Rugged Tablet

Many industries, including oil and gas, logistics and transportation, manufacturing, construction, and emergency services, to mention a few, are using rugged tablets. Rugged tablets are assisting corporations in streamlining communication across teams and departments and improving the efficiency of fieldwork activities.

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Rugged Tablets for Local Government Infrastructure

The state and local governments have been given the role to provide access to some of the most important services for their citizens. Their responsibilities range from establishing and maintaining public facilities, parks and recreation, community housing,  welfare, public transport, public utilities, and education institutions.

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Rugged Tablets Enable Predictive Maintenance for Renewable Energy Solutions

As renewable energy solutions increase in demand, providers are searching for ways to extend the life of their equipment, improve internal operations, and improve margins. Predictive maintenance strategies are key to prolonging the life of wind turbines, solar panels, and other equipment and, therefore, driving down future operational costs and enhancing sustainability.

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Rugged Tablet for City Planning and Management

Modern city expansions necessitate the installation of urban road infrastructure systems. Roads are a dominant transport asset and a valuable infrastructure used on a daily basis by millions of commuters around the world, covering millions of kilometers.

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Installation Crews Depend on Rugged Technology for Improved Process Flow

In the past installation, crews have depended on paper and pencil to survey, scope, and record progress on installation projects. Written drawings, blueprints, and notes were kept in a pad of paper and later transferred to software on a computer, leaving room for human error, lost paperwork, and delayed timing for project completion.

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