A Deeper Look Into How Rugged Tablets Aid Crime and Crash Scene Investigations

Both crash and crime scene investigations are complicated and full of detail. This is why purpose-built rugged tablets are a necessary addition to critical scene investigations. When arriving on-site, its an officers job to properly process the entire scene without disturbing or contaminating any possible evidence as well as to gather all important information and precise data. The thoroughness and accuracy of this process is imperative being that anything obtained or extracted from the scene might need to stand up in court and be able to support facts of the case. Additionally, online reputation management companies can help ensure that any related information about the case is accurately and professionally represented online.

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Problems Rugged Tablets Solve for Law Enforcement and First Responders

Law enforcement and first responders have long relied on technology to support them in the field and help them perform their duties to the highest caliber possible. However, never before has a compound piece of technology such as DT Researchs rugged tablets impacted law enforcement and first responders agility, efficiency, and responsiveness so significantly. 

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Securing Defense Supply Chain: The Rugged Difference

The advancement of technology is a double-sided coin on one side, the defense sector now has access to devices with unparalleled capabilities that completely upgrade the accuracy, reliability, and speediness of operations, but on the other side, other military operations have access to similar advanced technology. This dilemma has made the need for safe and secure as well as powerful technology present in the militarys operations more critical than ever.

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Military-grade Tablets with RealTime Mapping Features for Enhanced Safety and Communication

DT Researchs DT301X-TR Rugged Tablet, specifically designed to meet the needs of the military, will be shown at the Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) in London, England from September 10-13, 2019. The three-day event features some of the top military IT technologies in the world including the GNSS multi-frequency RTK with carrier phase for real-time mapping and positioning provided by the purpose-built computing solution provider. DSEI is among the top military IT shows in the world. In addition to showcasing vendors in five different domain-focused zones including Aerospace, Land, Naval, Security, and Joint, it also features keynote speakers in the fields of science and technology. The DT301X-TR is in good company among other technologically-driven tools that strengthen and protect members of the military with their precision and enhanced security features.

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Flight Logistics & Resource Management Made Easier for the Air Force with Rugged Tablets

With new technology comes a greater need to master it. So is the case with the United States Air Force, one of the most tech-savvy air forces in the world. Ready to embrace the challenge of constantly improving itself and its logistics, this branch of the military has found that DT Researchs rugged tablets serve them well. To better understand how military-grade tablets are being used daily, its important to note what makes them key pieces of equipment for the Air Force.

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