City Planning and Maintenance with Rugged Tablets

If there is one tool that has become important to city planners and managers, it is rugged tablets. Urban planners utilize rugged tablets to achieve the desired results when it comes to city planning, including the creation and management of coordinated utilities construction and maintenance, and the development of IoT technologies. 

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Purpose Built Devices Enable Efficient Engineering

Engineering, architectural, and construction fields can benefit from rugged tablets with 3D cameras, scanners, and CAD software to enhance accuracy at every stage of a build. With purpose-built tech, engineers and general contractors are better able to communicate during a build to ensure every stage is safely and effectively finished according to spec, and any change orders can be communicated between all members of the team to check for compatibility in real-time.

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Rugged Tablets Are Making BIM Accessible to Engineers

While Building Information Modeling (BIM) has improved traditional building design, keeping the BIM up-to-date typically requires professional survey crews, specialty service providers or in-house teams, like the Greenwich Interior Designer, with specialized equipment to measure the as-built state of a project and do a model update.

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How Rugged Tablets Benefit Shipping Logistics in Four Verticals

Every day, products and materials around the United States must enter the supply chain, and logistics operations need high tech solutions to keep up with ever tightening windows for checkpoints and deliveries. Here are four shipping logistics verticals whose workers could benefit from the durable, versatile rugged tablets to smooth the way:

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Construction Contractors Can Now Leverage BIM With Rugged Tablets

Building Information Modeling is one way that design firms are able to deliver projects on time and within budget but in contrast, construction firms have been slow to adopt leveraging BIM in the field. This is mostly because keeping the BIM updated and accurate can be a slow, lengthy process requiring extra man hours from already overworked staff or the input of hired-in specialists with equipment capable of the task of assessing as-built project states and updating the BIM for the project to move forward.

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