Remote Site Investigations with Drones and Rugged Tablets

Drones seem to be everywhere these days as more individuals and businesses are starting to embrace this remote technology. A drone or unmanned aircraft is any aircraft that is operated without the possibility of direct human intervention from within or on the aircraft. Drones come in many dierent sizes and shapes and are designed to primarily collect data to meet a multitude of dierent tasks and applications.

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Why Our Customers Choose DT Research

Everything we do here at DT Research is with our customers in mind. We design, build, and manufacture purpose-built computers and accessories that go beyond expectations to fill a need in the marketplace. When we hear of a specific need or challenge that a customer or industry is facing, our team begins working on a solution. Often a company in the purpose-built devices space will build the product and then try to fit it into the industry, but we truly believe in building the product specific to the needs of our customers.

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Rugged Tablets Perform in Extreme Conditions

If there is anything 2020 has taught us, it is to be resilient. Resilience comes in many forms mentally, emotionally, and physically. When it comes to the technology a company invests in, its important for industries such as construction, warehousing, manufacturing, law enforcement, medical, and military that they invest in technology that is resilient.

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Flu Testing Sites Depend on Medical Tablets for Efficiency and Reduction of the Spread of Bacteria

As flu season quickly approaches, pop up testing sites are in high demand to ensure we are ready to face the season. Because we are currently in a pandemic, testing for the flu is even more important this year than in previous years. Many people will want to know early on if their symptoms are related to COVID or are those of the flu.

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Medical Grade Tablets for Medical Surveys

This year has changed the way business is done across the world and the level of precautions that must take place in order to continue moving the business forward. From healthcare procedures to grocery shopping to large events, the world is finding new ways to innovate and creatively plan for the future as well as deal with our current situation. Medical grade tablets are contributing to the innovation needed to keep many businesses open and operational processes efficient.

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