Rugged Tablets: The Efficient and Essential Tool for Modern Warehousing

In the fast-paced world of warehouse operations, having the right tools can make all the difference. Warehouses looking to scale should consider using efficient, intelligent tools. For example, incorporating a rugged handheld device can help achieve future-proof operations.  Unfortunately, many warehouses continue to run using outdated procedures or even without any procedures at all. This may lead to expensive errors and delays that reduce earnings.

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Optimizing Asset Management in the Air Force with Rugged Convertible Laptops and Tablets

The United States Air Force is at the forefront of technology adoption, with the use of rugged tablets and convertible laptops for asset management to empower efficiency within their teams. With the increasing complexity of modern aircraft and the need to maintain a high level of readiness, the Air Force has turned to rugged tablets and convertible laptops to manage their assets in the warehouse and on the aircraft.

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Smart City Management Using Rugged Tablets

Cities and municipalities are under pressure to modernize and adopt new technology, as well as sustainable resources and processes, in order to boost productivity, increase the city’s attractiveness, and improve citizen satisfaction.

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Rugged Tablets Enable Accurate Asset Management On and Off Base

Asset management is one of the most crucial needs of the military, and also the one with the most moving parts to keep track of. On and off the base, assets are a critical part of logistics for the military. Assets could include equipment, vehicles, supplies, people, and technology. 

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Rugged Tablets Take Logistics to the Next Level

The number of online orders has already increased steadily over the last ten years. Over the last two years, the strains made on the supply chain have also provided a completely new perspective for ordering products online rather than going to the store. Even individuals who would have ordinarily done their shopping the traditional way were suddenly dependent on the realm of online shopping due to lockdowns and communication restrictions. Thus, companies learned to adapt to the changing times in order to survive—the pandemic and customer demand.

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