Mobile Integrated Healthcare with Mobile Medical Tablets

EMS providers, hospitals, in-home caregivers, and insurance companies are all involved in the mobile integrated healthcare (MIH) movement, which promises to deliver higher quality and more affordable medical treatment.

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Medical Tablets Aid Computer Vision Efforts in Healthcare

Computer vision is a fairly new trend in the healthcare industry, where images are used to assist in identifying and predicting diagnoses in patients with increased accuracy, utilizing computer images to do so. Images are taken and uploaded into the system and then analyzed by computer algorithms to optimize medical diagnosis, such as predicting heart rhythm disorders or how much blood loss a woman may have during childbirth.

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Revolutionizing Emergency Response with Rugged Tablets

Now more than ever, there’s more pressure on emergency services around the world to speed up response times and improve patient care during transport. Providers of emergency medical services (EMS) are currently seeking creative solutions to maintain a good level of service at a lower cost. There is a need now for emergency responders to be able to send information from the response site to the hospital before arrival. Sending insurance and preliminary treatment information prior to arrival makes check-in and processing much faster. With the influx of patients that responders and hospitals have seen over the last year, being able to communicate in real-time is becoming a need rather than a want in the healthcare industry. 

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Patient Privacy and Data Security is Protected with Medical Tablets

One of the main issues in the healthcare sector is the amount of unstructured data that is collected and stored. This data and information come in the form of medical records, medical imaging, supply levels, and even handwritten doctor’s notes. As the data piles up, the healthcare sector becomes a target for data breaches. Storing this data and making sense of all of it are two of the most challenging tasks for healthcare IT teams.

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Telemedicine and the Evolution of Remote Care

We are witnessing some historic developments now that will have long-lasting impacts into the future. Our traditional healthcare services are no longer enough, we need innovative solutions that result in better patient care. Furthermore, the pandemic has opened our eyes to the breakthroughs that are being made in telemedicine and remote care. 

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