Solar Power Plant Management Utilizing Rugged Tablets

The expanding concerns of climate change has encouraged organizations and governments alike to seek feasible and renewable energy solutions that are environmentally friendly and cost-effective. One of the solutions is solar power systems. Solar power systems are a popular solution for converting readily available and inexhaustible sunlight directly into electricity through solar cells leaving practically no carbon footprint.

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2021 Goals to Utilize Rugged Tablets

Weve reached 2021, and while many aspects of daily life have slowed, technology needs are still increasing. With employers and staff shifting gears in work environments, connections need to be stronger than ever. From durable medical tablets to rugged technology for the military, theres seemingly no limit to what our products at DT Research can do. Here are just a few ways to utilize your own rugged tablet in the new year!

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Rugged Convertible Laptop Powered by High Capacity Dual Batteries

When our customers speak, we listen. Based on feedback from our customers, we are releasing the new LT300 line of fully-rugged, 360 convertible laptops designed to be versatile, durable, and reliable in various conditions. Specifically designed for the Air Force with a need to utilize the laptop/tablet in confined, small spaces and in the field, this unique design is durable enough to withstand harsh conditions, while also being compact enough to use in tight spaces such as during maintenance of an aircraft.

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Year-End Inventory is Made Easier and Faster with Rugged Tablets

End of year inventory is made more efficient with the use of rugged tablets. Its that time of year that all businesses, big and small, need to complete inventory for year-end requirements. Its not the most exciting way to finish off the year, but its a must to ensure the new year starts off with accurate records.

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How Rugged Tablet Technology is Pivotal in the Future of Agriculture

Technology has revolutionized many industries allowing for better production, increased efficiencies, and real-time communication among departments. Industries such as manufacturing, warehousing and logistics, government agencies, the medical industry, and even the military have improved internal processes thanks to technology advancements. Technology has been overcoming challenges and breaking new ground in the agriculture space as well. Farmers have begun to use technologies in maximizing not only their crops but also their earning potential.

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