Building Better: Rugged Tablets and Laptops and BIM Transforming Construction

The construction industry is a rapidly evolving field where attention to detail is paramount. As a result, the integration of cutting-edge technology has become an indispensable element in modern construction projects. Of the various tools empowering these projects, rugged laptops and tablets emerged as major game-changers. When leveraged with Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology, these robust computing devices are revolutionizing the construction industry by streamlining processes, enhancing collaboration, and elevating efficiency to previously unattainable levels. 

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The New Normal for the Construction Industry and Future Projects

COVID-19 has forever impacted our world and changed the way we do business. The construction industry has been at the forefront of those changes to improve construction projects of the future with new standards that accommodate buildings with additional protection from the spread of viruses, built into the plan from the beginning.

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