Honoring Our Service Members by Giving Them the Tools They Need

The men and women who serve in the various branches of our military work in an environment that is both challenging and inconstant. They need a purpose-built rugged tablet that provides safety and security to help aid them in their day-to-day military operations. 

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Rugged Tablets Protect Military Data Security during Army Deployments

Military operations call for a high level of data protection. However, data security still remains to be the main cause for concern among military commanders. The integration of BYOD has taken deep root in the corporate world, but there have been security concerns that come with the use of these mobile devices. 

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Advantages of Rugged Tablets for Military and Government Data Security

One of the top concerns government officials and military personnel have with mobile devices is the issue of data security. Government agencies and military units have historically been slow to adopt mobile as a trusted solution for in-office / on-base and in-field operations. However, trusted mobile devices like rugged tablets can be secured with a closed network to provide a secure solution, and deployed throughout a military unit or government organization.

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