Military-Grade Tablets Stand the Test of Time and Environments

As we move into a rapidly evolving digital information age, numerous teams in any given industry rely on data to inform decisions made within the organization. Big Data Analytics is the complex process of examining large amounts of data to uncover information — such as hidden patterns, correlations, market trends, and customer preferences, this data helps organizations make informed decisions.

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Automated License Plate Readers and Rugged Tablets Enable Accuracy in Law Enforcement

Automated license plate readers (ALPR) are cameras that read alpha-numeric characters on vehicles. Their deployment into law enforcement has many benefits including the ability to identify crimes that involve a motor vehicle with higher accuracy;  70% of crimes involve the use of a motor vehicle. This statistic is in part, why using ALPR systems are so effective in improving the efficiency of police officers considering that vehicles operated on public highways must be registered and bear license plates.

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Virtual Roll Call: First Responders Response to COVID19

During COVID-19 it is important for first responders to take precautions when on-the-job to protect themselves from becoming sick. Thus, they have sought various ways to address the challenges of protecting and serving their communities and even protecting themselves.

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DT Research Rugged Tablets: The Navys Best Resource On Base and In the Field

The capabilities of rugged tablets to stay abreast of the ever-changing innovation in technology for efficient on and off -base needs of the military provides a unique opportunity for military branches to improve their daily processes and internal communication strategy.

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A Deeper Look Into How Rugged Tablets Aid Crime and Crash Scene Investigations

Both crash and crime scene investigations are complicated and full of detail. This is why purpose-built rugged tablets are a necessary addition to critical scene investigations. When arriving on-site, its an officers job to properly process the entire scene without disturbing or contaminating any possible evidence as well as to gather all important information and precise data. The thoroughness and accuracy of this process is imperative being that anything obtained or extracted from the scene might need to stand up in court and be able to support facts of the case. Additionally, online reputation management companies can help ensure that any related information about the case is accurately and professionally represented online.

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