The Smart Way to Build Smart Cities: Rugged Tablet BIM Technology

Theres no denying that the common thread of all smart cities around the globe is highly-advanced technology, specifically information and communication technologies (ICT) that collect copious amounts of data on all functions and operations within the city.

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Problems Rugged Tablets Solve for Law Enforcement and First Responders

Law enforcement and first responders have long relied on technology to support them in the field and help them perform their duties to the highest caliber possible. However, never before has a compound piece of technology such as DT Researchs rugged tablets impacted law enforcement and first responders agility, efficiency, and responsiveness so significantly. 

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How BIM Technology is Being Used in Smart City Development

Building Information Modeling or BIM changes the future of cities around the globe. Serving as a digital representation of places by creating 3-D models of their physical and functional characteristics, the process is being explored in locations that would benefit from the smarter infrastructure. Building Information Models or BIMs are files that can be accessed and shared with appropriate parties responsible for making cities safer, more efficient, and better capable to account for a growing population of citizens.

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Local Governments Integrate the Use of Rugged Tablets for Utility Maintenance

City planners and local government leaders are constantly looking for ways to improve and enhance city programs. For many cities tracking the progress of utility maintenance around the city can be a bit cumbersome. For many years tracking the updates of utilities around the city has been done by sending men/women into various parts of the city to check on pipes that need repairs or maintenance, utility lines that need to be installed or repaired and water plant maintenance. The information is documented by a pad of paper and pencil and then taken back to the office and entered into a computer system, leaving room for human error as well as additional labor and manpower.

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RTK and GNSS Tablets for Crash Reconstruction & Traffic Enforcement

Rugged tablets have become crucial tools for law enforcement and first responders as well as for court officials, allowing for rapid, accurate mapping of crash scenes and reconstruction to help determine the causes and outcomes of such crashes.

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