Rugged Tablets with the 3D RealSense Camera Captures Digital Twins for City Infrastructure Projects

Digital Twin is a newly integrated technology that is gaining traction in a variety of industries, with the ultimate goal of uniting physical and virtual spaces. So far, the Digital Twin concept has been used in a variety of engineering domains, including engineering design, manufacturing, automation, and the construction industry.

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Getting the Best Accuracy for Ground Control Points with Rugged Tablets

Ground control points (or GCPs) are known-coordinated places on the ground. GCPs are points that a surveyor can precisely pinpoint in an aerial mapping survey, allowing enormous areas to be accurately mapped with just a few known coordinates.

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DT Research DT362GL Rugged Tablet: Certified Safe in Tough and Hazardous Environments

commander of the Rangers paves the route on an electronic tablet

C1D2 certification has become increasingly vital as mobile electronic devices grow more common in workplaces across industries, ensuring the safety of all workers. Many workplaces have both hazardous and non-hazardous zones. However, despite policy and warning signs, there is a high risk that workers will unintentionally bring a non-compliant mobile electronic device into a hazardous environment in these situations.

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3 Ways Rugged Tablets Assist Supply Chains

Supply chain management has a lot of moving parts that need to be synchronistically aligned in order for products to get out the door. Every small thing that comes up could affect the success of the chain. From shipments being oversized or too heavy to forecasted delivery dates based on real-time information, the attention is in the detail. 

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Rugged Tablets for the Transportation Industry

Managing efficient transportation for a city is a task that requires dedication, organization, and efficiency. Multiple problems are often running at one time, with a focus on solutions, back up plans, and technology that simplifies required management. Rugged tablets simplify the management of all the moving parts of transportation logistics, while providing an option for teams in the field to have mobility and functionality on the job.

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