Overcoming Supply Chain Distress Amidst the Pandemic

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic global trade and supply chains have been affected and many of them coming to a halt due to the conditions across the world. While many facilities have had outbreaks, others simply have not been able to operate due to government restrictions in that country or city,  affecting the ability for businesses and consumers to gain access to products.  

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Rugged Tablets with UHF RFID Readers Aid Warehouse Challenges

Covid-19 issues overwhelmed companies and made a new level of awareness for greater flexibility and innovation in supply chains. All of the tasks that take place in a warehouse have come under review as the world learns to operate in this new normal, tasks such as managing incoming and outgoing packages, maintaining storage facilities, tracking and shipping packages, and managing inventory of supplies for specific clients —  COVID-19 has brought on many challenges that require operators and managers to think differently about these daily activities.

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Telehealth Technology: Providing Healthcare from a Distance


A big game-changer when it comes to healthcare is telemedicine. Telemedicine is a general term that covers all of the ways you and your doctor can use technology to communicate without being in the same room. It includes phone calls, video chats, emails, and text messages. People also call it telehealth, digital medicine, e-health, or m-health (for mobile). Telemedicine in which a doctors appointment is done via phone or video is the new norm as a result of the pandemic and the need for safe distancing. This has been a good alternative during these challenging times when a physical appointment is difficult or hazardous.

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Winning the Battle in Military Asset Management

military grade rugged tablet

The U.S military is one of the most powerful in the world. And, with such great power comes a greater duty to manage its assets properly. From effectively managing and tracking assets, reducing spending on unneeded supplies and eliminating storing obsolete items, the U.S. Army needs technology that assists with military asset management.

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Powerful Tools to Provide 24/7 Security at Construction Sites

Security at construction sites has been an ongoing need and problem to solve over the decades. Many times, crews need to staff a security guard during off-hours to ensure construction equipment is safe and the site is secure. Now with the advancement of technology, construction sites can be secure without needing a person on-site 24/7.

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