Enhance Construction Projects with the Integration of High Accuracy Positioning Camera in a Rugged Tablet

The days of using paper and pencil to document data in the construction industry are becoming a thing of the past. Thanks to emerging technologies, no more transferring handwritten data into computers, no more taking images at the job site and then uploading them back at the office. Communication and access to essential data and information are readily available, increasing efficiency at work and in projects.

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The Ultimate Match: DT Research Rugged Tablets and the Construction Industry

From an empty plot of land to a full-blown structure, there are a million and a half steps that construction companies go through to reach success. Construction is complicated and therefore requires an equally complex piece of technology to keep everything and everyone organized within the mass of moving parts.  

This is where DT Researchs purpose-built rugged tablets enter the market.

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The Critical Piece to AEC industry projects: BIM Technology

The term BIM has become a buzz word for a multitude of complex and interconnected industries and for good reason. 

 BIM stands for Building Information Modeling, which is a highly advanced software process that generates and manages digital 3-D representations of buildings, structures, and infrastructures.  

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The Use of 3D RealSense Camera and Rugged Tablets Shows Positive Results for Construction Projects

Construction sites across the world are progressively using tablet innovation to complete their day-by-day assignments and tasks by means of development programming, enabling teams to be increasingly productive and collaborative on every project. With the integration of software and accessories such as the 3D RealSense camera, construction teams can improve the timeliness and functions of project responsibilities.

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GNSS Rugged Tablets and Infrastructure Projects are the Perfect Match

As a company whose mission is to provide integral infrastructure industries with efficient computing technology, DT Research resonated strongly with the goals and objectives of the annual 2019 INTERGEO expo and conference.

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