Manage Manufacturing Shortages and Inventory Accuracy using Rugged Tablets

Supply chain managers are constantly hammered by distractions. They get stuck monitoring on-time deliveries, vendor-managed inventory (VMI), and impending shortages. Although there are initiatives from supply chain managers in implementing processes to reduce shortages, save costs, and smooth operations, they are often left feeling frustrated by the challenges of dealing with material shortages, especially over the last year.

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Rugged Tablets Provide Technological Assistance for Current Changes in Manufacturing

Manufacturing logistics are embracing technology like never before; what would have taken years to implement is now taking months due to the rapid changes caused by COVID-19. Companies are embracing automation, new software, AI, and 3D technology for scanning products and packages. Rugged tablets for the manufacturing industry are helping aid these rapid changes, helping teams improve internal operation efficiencies and communication.

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Year-End Inventory is Made Easier and Faster with Rugged Tablets

End of year inventory is made more efficient with the use of rugged tablets. Its that time of year that all businesses, big and small, need to complete inventory for year-end requirements. Its not the most exciting way to finish off the year, but its a must to ensure the new year starts off with accurate records.

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Three Ways Rugged Tablets Improve Manufacturing Operations

Manufacturing industries are integrating new technologies that streamline processes and increase productivity among team members.  Rugged tablets help to organize data, quickly access information on the network, and track inventory or shipments with more ease. Rugged tablets integrate with software systems that improve shipping logistics and inventory management while updating data in real-time. This benefits communication between all departments, as anyone with access to the network, can log in and view the documents in real-time and therefore make better decisions faster with more accurate data.

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Rugged Tablets Perform in Extreme Conditions

If there is anything 2020 has taught us, it is to be resilient. Resilience comes in many forms mentally, emotionally, and physically. When it comes to the technology a company invests in, its important for industries such as construction, warehousing, manufacturing, law enforcement, medical, and military that they invest in technology that is resilient.

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