Rugged Tablets for the Navy: Offering Convenience and Reliability for the Military

The United States Navy is utilizing rugged tablets in a variety of ways to improve dock and sea logistics. One of the challenges the military faces is being able to complete requests completely and efficiently in a timely manner, and having rugged tablets on hand to facilitate these processes allows for increased productivity and better outcomes.

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Getting the Best Accuracy for Ground Control Points with Rugged Tablets

Ground control points (or GCPs) are known-coordinated places on the ground. GCPs are points that a surveyor can precisely pinpoint in an aerial mapping survey, allowing enormous areas to be accurately mapped with just a few known coordinates.

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Applications of Rugged Medical Tablets in Healthcare

Rugged tablets are designed with industrial applications in mind, but the healthcare field has found a use for them as the pandemic hit the entire world. With a flexible system easy to integrate with healthcare applications, medical-grade tablets helped doctors, nurses, and other practitioners do their jobs more efficiently and accurately.

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3 Ways Rugged Tablets Assist Supply Chains

Supply chain management has a lot of moving parts that need to be synchronistically aligned in order for products to get out the door. Every small thing that comes up could affect the success of the chain. From shipments being oversized or too heavy to forecasted delivery dates based on real-time information, the attention is in the detail. 

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Antimicrobial Tablets – A Standard of Production in 2022 for DT Research

This past year changed the landscape of operations for many industries. Not only do companies need to ensure efficient operations, hiring quality teams, with services like jobs talent acquisition, and keeping an eye on profits and expenses; companies globally now have a responsibility to take extra precautions when it comes to employee safety. Extra cleaning measures, work-from-home policies, and implementation of new technology are all changes that are being made to combat the issue of worker safety. 

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