Monitor, Record and Retrieve Patient Data with Innovative Healthcare Technology

Rugged medical tablets and medical-grade all-in-one computers make it easy for healthcare professionals to do their job efficiently whether they are in a room taking care of a patient or practicing medicine virtually.

In this blog, we outline several of the benefits of choosing an all-in-one medical-cart computer or medical tablet for medical teams and practices.

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Healthcares Changing Landscape: Purpose-Built Technology is the Key

Given the recent events that have affected our world globally providing the crisis, we found ourselves within the last few months, the world of healthcare is being called to review their systems, processes, and technology to determine the best path forward. DT Research has been at the forefront of this movement since before the pandemic and continues to answer the needs of the global community with innovative computers and tablets that withstand the challenges of the industry.

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Virtual Roll Call: First Responders Response to COVID19

During COVID-19 it is important for first responders to take precautions when on-the-job to protect themselves from becoming sick. Thus, they have sought various ways to address the challenges of protecting and serving their communities and even protecting themselves.

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Rugged Tablets for Crash Scene Reconstruction

Image courtesy of DotProduct LLC

Crash scene investigators rely on the accuracy of information from the incident to reconstruct the scene once the debris from the site has been cleaned up. First responders rely on cleaning up the scene with speed in order to restore traffic flow and avoid another accident. There are many details that need to be collected from the location of an accident including pictures, documentation from witnesses, and measurements of the details from the scene.

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Medical Tablets and Medical Cart Computers for Enhancing Telemedicine Capabilities

Telemedicine is a practice within healthcare that has been on the rise over the last few years. With the outbreak of the Coronavirus, telemedicine practices are coming to the forefront of medicine with doctors and nurses having more tools and capabilities of diagnosing and prescribing treatments over the phone or through an internet-based visitation.

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