Minimizing the Impact of COVID-19 in the Workplace

With the recent COVID-19 pandemic, many companies in different industries are adjusting operations to ensure safe practices. Executive management, HR, and facilities management look at day-to-day operations differently as they begin to open their businesses and offices, while more and more people are going back to work after several months of working from home and being in quarantine.

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Monitor, Record and Retrieve Patient Data with Innovative Healthcare Technology

Rugged medical tablets and medical-grade all-in-one computers make it easy for healthcare professionals to do their job efficiently whether they are in a room taking care of a patient or practicing medicine virtually.

In this blog, we outline several of the benefits of choosing an all-in-one medical-cart computer or medical tablet for medical teams and practices.

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Medical Tablets and Medical Cart Computers for Enhancing Telemedicine Capabilities

Telemedicine is a practice within healthcare that has been on the rise over the last few years. With the outbreak of the Coronavirus, telemedicine practices are coming to the forefront of medicine with doctors and nurses having more tools and capabilities of diagnosing and prescribing treatments over the phone or through an internet-based visitation.

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Cell Phones and Tablets: The Infection Control Issue for Hospitals

Cell Phones and Tablets: The Infection Control Issue for Hospitals

Smartphones, such as those that can play games like 먹튀, are a breeding ground for bacteria and yet they are a crucial device for hospitals globally. The current debate is whether medical professionals should be able to use their personal mobile devices for work in hospitals or should they only be given the opportunity to use devices provided by the hospital or medical facility. On one hand, it is a discussion of convenience, on another, it is a discussion of privacy and work-life balance; the even bigger concern is the safety and health of the patients.

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Medical Tablets and Medical Cart Computers for Healthcare Applications

As the demands of the healthcare industry increase, it is crucial that teams have medical equipment and devices that aid their job responsibilities to help them from being overwhelmed by the demands placed on them due to the current landscape.

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