Five Reasons All Doctors Need Advanced Mobile Capability

five-reasons-all-doctors-need-advanced-mobile-capabilityMobile tech use in the healthcare vertical has exploded over the past five years. According to a March, 2015 study by Kantar Media, 84% of US physicians polled use smartphones for professional purposes, and 56% use tablets.

Diagnostic tools, clinical reference apps, drug and coding references, and productivity and organizational tools were the top types of usage for smartphone carriers, while those who used tablets concentrated more on readable content and patient side care, with medical journal and electronic medical record apps as well as diagnostic tools and patient education tools.

Tablet use has been expanding among doctors, with the larger screens and ability to share screen views more readily with patients and other professionals leading to better versatility that outweighs the bulkier format. While institutions that provide mobile devices were more likely to hand out smartphones, the ones that opted for tablet deployment saw faster implementation of the devices in day-to-day use.

Patients also appreciate tablet use by their healthcare professionals; again, the ability to input, retrieve, share, and store information in real time is attractive to patients who seek to feel involved in their own care, and the tablet provides an easy way for doctors to loop patients in on the data files being created for them. Apps can be recommended and shared with patients who require monitoring, whether they are image based meal logs for diabetics, logs for exercise, heart rate and blood pressure evaluators, or sleep disorders tracking for which now experts also recommend new technological gadgets as this anti snoring devices.

The apps available for healthcare are in the tens of thousands. According to research by MedData Group in January, 2015, the leading apps allow access to specialty specific and clinical content; medical education articles; and pharma information, specifically contraindications and drug interaction information. Having quick access and the ability to double check data while patient-side increases trust and leads to better outcomes.

Only 20% of doctors as of that study reported not reading medical content on mobile devices, and polling from just one year prior showed nearly 40% of doctors were committed to making their practice mobile friendly for both staff and patients, citing the benefits of understanding the needs of a mobile generation, and the ability to enhance patient compliance via app use and data capture long term.

Overall, tablets can be expected to continue to advance on smartphones in the medical field, especially in the arena of patient interaction. From access to EHRs to app development for patient care, there are more benefits on the horizon for medical adaptation and patient implementation.

How Medical Cart Computers Inspire Patient Trust

how-medical-cart-computers-inspire-patient-trustHow Medical Cart Computers Inspire Patient Trust

As an ever-expanding industry, healthcare is becoming more competitive and depending more on digital assistance to enhance record accuracy and better serve patients. Medical Cart Computers are the new standard of care, allowing doctors to deliver premium patient-side experiences and improve patient / doctor relationships by inspiring trust.

Patients need to know that their information is accurate and safe. When one of the top causes of improper patient care is incorrect data, being able to show patients that their information is being captured instantly and accurately can instill the first layer of trust required.

In order to perform tasks like instant data capture and shared doctor / patient discussion, patient-side technology is required. Medical Cart Computers provide a tool that allows doctors to better relate with patients; instead of the clipboard or a stationary computer system, patient data can be clearly entered and verified with the patient no matter what location in the building or campus, providing a level of assurance that data entry at a central terminal cant match.

As electronic health records (EHRs) continue to gain traction, access to vital data and the ability to review charts, files, and images at any location is crucial. Enhanced patient care can be assured by use of Medical Cart Computers synced with a centralized system, so the patient’s file can follow them throughout a medical facility.

Patients who are able to see data being entered and updated, and who are allowed the visual interaction that a Medical Cart Computer provides are more likely to trust the process and feel more secure that their data is correct. Explaining issues and procedures is also easier with a Medical Cart Computer available to provide a visual aid when needed.

Patient trust grows as the transparent workflow and improved healthcare quality make a distinct impact on their experiences in clinics, hospitals, doctors offices, and specialist encounters. Using Medical Cart Computers is one way to enhance and strengthen doctor patient bonds and improve outcomes.

The advantages of modern Medical Cart Computers include enhanced portability, compatibility with other healthcare tech, features like hot swappable batteries to ensure continual availability, and patient confidentiality via security and privacy software that restricts access based on authentication of each user.

Using Medical Cart Computers can solve multiple problems, improve productivity, and lead to better patient care and relations. Utilizing new technology builds trusting relationships and instills confidence for future interactions.