Scanning Solutions to Avoid Labeling and Asset Management Errors

From shipping and logistics to warehouse floors, capturing data accurately and efficiently is a crucial part of managing assets. Knowing where a product is on the floor at all times to avoid mislabeling or missing items, means having boxes properly stored in the warehouse or items properly documented before, during, and upon arriving at a shipment dock. These needs require scanning solutions that accurately collect data, record it into a system and store it for internal use at any time a team member needs to receive the information.

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Military Supply Chain Management Moves to the Next Level with Mobile RFID

Radio frequency identification is a set of technologies that allow you to automatically identify objects and capture information about them. Most armies require a great deal of supplies and equipment to function, including food, clothing, equipment, medicines, and so forth. RFID improves supply chain operations by allowing the military to confirm that the proper items were picked up and shipped at the correct time. By uploading information indicating where tags are read, as well as when this occurs, you can achieve visibility into the locations of goods thus reducing lost items or being able to better track delivery times and manage costs.

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Why is a Rugged Tablet the Best Business Mobile Device

Mobile technology is ever-expanding as businesses strive to outperform their competition. The ability to produce more, respond faster and increase customer loyalty are all reasons why mobile devices have become popular with these businesses.

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Rugged Tablets Aid Animal Rescue Volunteers While Providing Care to Animals

The Bolivia Species Sanctuary, nestled in a green river valley near the town of Coroico, serves as a beacon of hope for much of this country’s vulnerable wildlife, like the ones here.

Because illegal trafficking is still prevalent in South America, many animals are in serious need of assistance.

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DT361AM and DT361AD: First Responder’s Dependable Device to Help the Community

In the midst of a disaster, emergency responders cannot compromise safety or communication. One of the key strengths in a mission-critical situation is real-time communication with all parties involved so that teams can effectively support the community. 

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