3D Scanning for Shipment Verification Improves Warehousing Logistics

3D scanning is changing the game for warehousing logistics. With the use of this technology, millions of dollars can be saved from product losses per year. Just in the USA alone, billions of dollars are lost annually to damaged products and loss of inventory. Often it is hard to thoroughly and accurately track shipments from leaving the warehouse to arriving at their destination.

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3D Asset Management Produces Better Results Over a Paper-Based System

The old ways of doing business have officially been archived. Paper-based systems are a way of the past, as technology advances the way teams communicate and projects are managed. 3D asset management is a wave of the now and the future, enhancing the efficiency of running a project and ensuring everything is documented and recorded correctly and accurately.

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Rugged Tablets in Field Hospitals Helps Combat COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has strained hospitals globally requiring them to become more efficient and reliant on technology. In many cities across the world, field hospitals are being utilized as an overflow to regular hospitals that have limited capacity given the number of patients currently in care. Field hospitals do not have access to the same kind of technology that hospitals do and therefore need an innovative tech to aid patient care. Telemedicine is also on the rise, thus requiring changes in how doctors see and treat patients.

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Rugged Tablets with UHF RFID Readers Aid Warehouse Challenges

Covid-19 issues overwhelmed companies and made a new level of awareness for greater flexibility and innovation in supply chains. All of the tasks that take place in a warehouse have come under review as the world learns to operate in this new normal, tasks such as managing incoming and outgoing packages, maintaining storage facilities, tracking and shipping packages, and managing inventory of supplies for specific clients —  COVID-19 has brought on many challenges that require operators and managers to think differently about these daily activities.

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Telehealth Technology: Providing Healthcare from a Distance


A big game-changer when it comes to healthcare is telemedicine. Telemedicine is a general term that covers all of the ways you and your doctor can use technology to communicate without being in the same room. It includes phone calls, video chats, emails, and text messages. People also call it telehealth, digital medicine, e-health, or m-health (for mobile). Telemedicine in which a doctors appointment is done via phone or video is the new norm as a result of the pandemic and the need for safe distancing. This has been a good alternative during these challenging times when a physical appointment is difficult or hazardous.

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