Rugged Tablets for Tracking Marine Deployment

Marines are a branch of the military that is known to be one of the most elite fighting forces in the world. Deployed to some of the most intense and serious situations in the world, on US Navy ships, to protect naval bases, to guard US embassies, and to provide quick force to protect US interests in the world.

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Rugged Tablets Aid the Military with Fleet Management

Day to day military operations depends on efficient fleet management to ensure missions, supplies, and personnel can function effectively on a daily basis. Fleet management consists of managing all fleet on and off the base to include maintenance of vehicles, service requests, deployment of fleet, supplies for deployed fleets, and schedules for when they will be sent into the field.

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Medical Grade Tablets for Medical Surveys

This year has changed the way business is done across the world and the level of precautions that must take place in order to continue moving the business forward. From healthcare procedures to grocery shopping to large events, the world is finding new ways to innovate and creatively plan for the future as well as deal with our current situation. Medical grade tablets are contributing to the innovation needed to keep many businesses open and operational processes efficient.

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Rugged Tablets for Public Safety Services

COVID-19 has brought many challenges to the public safety field, including the safety of law enforcement officers and constituents who are in need of filing a police report. Many offices are running on limited staff, limited hours, or even closed offices and are in need of ways to innovate to continue to keep the public’s safety on top priority while also operating with limited resources during these challenging times.

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Medical-grade Tablets Prevent the Spread of Infection with Flexibility and Mobility

Healthcare professionals need the flexibility to care for patients in different environments in order to effectively adapt to todays evolving COVID circumstances, said Daw Tsai, president of DT Research. With this understanding in mind, we created a line of medical-grade tablets designed for ultimate mobility, durability, safety, and reliability.

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