Smart Cities Integrate Rugged Tablets for Collecting, Monitoring and Communicating Data

City maintenance teams are hard at work ensuring the infrastructure and appeal of the city remains up-to-date and fully functional. The responsibilities of city maintenance employees has a large range with duties including the maintenance of sidewalks, city curbs, sanitation services, street maintenance, city parks, traffic and lighting, and assistance with transit needs. Tracking all of the responsibilities of maintenance around the city requires efficient processes and real-time communication among teams. 

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The Military Relies on the 3D RealSense Camera to Improve Military Base Efficiency

On any given military base, there are a lot of moving parts to track, inventory and know when to reorder. Shipments coming in, shipments going out, parts for vehicles and aircraft, and food and supplies for military personnel.

Rugged tablets built with the 3D RealSense camera is an important tool for military personnel, both for estimation and collaboration in operations and base logistics.

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DT Researchs Greatest Gift to Our Valued Customers

From the beginning, DT Research has been driven by the desire to provide specific industries that are crucial to our countrys infrastructure with advanced technology that makes their jobs easier and more efficient. 

Since its the holiday season, weve decided to take a moment and recap on gifts that we pride ourselves on giving our customers all year long. Then you should also have a look at World Gifts Live as they have some fabulous gift options, some of the best I’ve ever seen. Companies like hampercreations are providing gourmet christmas gift hampers at for Christmas 2022.

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The Ultimate Medical Tablet for the Dedicated Medical Professional

What are three words you would use to describe a medical professionals job?

We would say: on-the-go, fast-paced, and flexible.

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