The Future of Manufacturing in the New Normal How Technology Investments Will Help Companies Survive

The manufacturing industry has been forever changed with the challenges faced in 2020 and no reprieve in sight soon, which is not necessarily a bad thing. With the onset of COVID-19 the manufacturing industry has been forced to review internal processes, embrace technology and improve training for staff. Along with the challenges have come changes that will forever enhance and improve manufacturing as we know it.

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Rugged Tablets Improve Logistics and Process Flow for Manufacturing Companies

Rugged tablets have advanced the manufacturing industry and have completely transformed how manufacturers work. Improving the productivity of their workers and organizing the process flow of shipment tracking, inventory management, and minimizing downtime for their organization; rugged tablets are the answer for solving many issues manufacturers have faced in the past.

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Rugged Tablets with UHF RFID Improves Efficiency for Manufacturing & Logistics Industries

Rugged tablets improve processes and employee workflows for manufacturing, logistics and warehousing industries. Manual documentation procedures are becoming a thing of the past as new and emerging technology improves efficiencies both in the field and in the office. Inventory is managed more easily; warehouse packages are taken in and documented with reduced human error and data is made more readily available to team members so business decisions can be executed quickly.

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Three Lessons Manufacturers Can Take From PalletOnes Adoption of Rugged Tablets

What makes DT Rugged Tablets the top piece of technology for businesses in the manufacturing and construction industries is that they are designed with an endless variety of abilities and applications that will result in real benefits for your business. Just like many other new innovations, on paper, rugged tablets look really good, but its in-action where they really stand out. How the rugged tablets perform in real-time is whats most important for a business that wants to improve efficiency and upgrade organization.

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Rugged Tablets for Manufacturing Help Achieve Company Goals

Manufacturing companies face distinct challenges when it comes to efficiency, work processes, waste, productivity, inventory management, and cost overruns.

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