Rugged Tablets: Solutions to Military’s Data Management Challenges

The amount of data gathered by the US military grows by the second, as does the US military’s demand and need for it. The Department of Defense (DoD) will extract and analyze this information in order to provide actionable intelligence. As a result of this circumstance, military technology makers are under pressure to provide software and hardware that can process the zettabytes of data stored on Internet of Things (IoT) devices and then accurately analyze its value. Gathering, processing, and interpreting information effectively will transform defense strategy.

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Why C1D2 Certification Matters

Implementing mobility solutions has proven challenging in industries with hazardous operating environments, such as oil and gas or chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturing. Mobile devices must be specially designed and tested to adapt to volatile environments and ensure employee safety when there are flammable gasses, vapors, or airborne dust present.

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Rugged Tablets: The Ideal Device for Supply Chains in Shipping and Logistics

The pandemic of the last year has brought many changes and challenges to the supply chain industry that have never been seen before. Supply chains are continuously working hard to overcome unique challenges such as supply shocks, demand shocks, closures, lockdowns, and more as global human and economic changes occur.

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Rugged Tablets with the 3D RealSense Camera Captures Digital Twins for City Infrastructure Projects

Digital Twin is a newly integrated technology that is gaining traction in a variety of industries, with the ultimate goal of uniting physical and virtual spaces. So far, the Digital Twin concept has been used in a variety of engineering domains, including engineering design, manufacturing, automation, and the construction industry.

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Getting the Best Accuracy for Ground Control Points with Rugged Tablets

Ground control points (or GCPs) are known-coordinated places on the ground. GCPs are points that a surveyor can precisely pinpoint in an aerial mapping survey, allowing enormous areas to be accurately mapped with just a few known coordinates.

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