Rugged Tablets: Navy’s Best Tool for Ship-Shape Operation

The Navy’s public shipyards are essential for maintaining the readiness of its aircraft carriers and submarines, as well as supporting continuous operations across the world. The Navy can use these shipyards to execute depot-level maintenance, emergency repairs, ship upgrades, and fleet-wide ship downtime.

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Benefits of RFID in Asset Tracking Management for the Navy

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is the name given to a technology capable of identifying goods utilizing a radio frequency system. It is a technology that has evolved naturally and fast over time, becoming an indispensable instrument for reducing the costs of various logistics flows, as well as for managing public transportation and commodities transportation. RFID technology is particularly adaptable, and it may be used to manage assets, acquire complete item traceability, and identify recyclable containers.

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3 Ways Rugged Tablets Support Military Missions

Military personnel selects robust tablet computers,  especially if they work outside or in other potentially difficult operational settings. Tablet computers are becoming more popular, especially for military and aerospace applications, and the top manufacturers are reacting with a slew of new features.

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Rugged Solutions for Efficient and Accurate Inventory Management Across Military Bases

commander of the Rangers paves the route on an electronic tablet

Ruggedized electronics are now found in advanced intelligence, communication, navigation, and weapons systems, among other locations in the military’s developing Internet of Things (MIoT). Edge computing is a true force multiplier because it provides superior situational awareness, increased operational capacity, increased safety, and many other benefits to military personnel and commanders – even in the most distant, physically challenging settings.

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Asset Tracking Technologies for Military’s Modernization Displacement and Repair Sites

Precision, attention, efficiency, and accuracy are all hallmarks of military operations. The military’s Modernization Displacement and Repair Site, a one-stop-shop for the military to turn in equipment and have it removed from the books in a timely way, makes it a convenient option for internal administration, on the other hand, difficult to maintain the same degree of perfection due to the use of outdated technology and manual processes.

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