The Smart Way to Build Smart Cities: Rugged Tablet BIM Technology

Theres no denying that the common thread of all smart cities around the globe is highly-advanced technology, specifically information and communication technologies (ICT) that collect copious amounts of data on all functions and operations within the city.

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Common Access Card Readers Provide Enhanced Safety Features for Rugged Tablets

The DT301T is the perfect rugged tablet for military personnel, government employees and eligible contractor personnel. This tablet is a military-grade tablet that is complete with a built-in common access card (CAC) and other useful features. This tablet is perfect for military government departments and other places that require high security such as restricted information or corporations that require authentication to access networks.

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GNSS Rugged Tablets and Infrastructure Projects are the Perfect Match

As a company whose mission is to provide integral infrastructure industries with efficient computing technology, DT Research resonated strongly with the goals and objectives of the annual 2019 INTERGEO expo and conference.

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A Deeper Look Into How Rugged Tablets Aid Crime and Crash Scene Investigations

Both crash and crime scene investigations are complicated and full of detail. This is why purpose-built rugged tablets are a necessary addition to critical scene investigations. When arriving on-site, its an officers job to properly process the entire scene without disturbing or contaminating any possible evidence as well as to gather all important information and precise data. The thoroughness and accuracy of this process is imperative being that anything obtained or extracted from the scene might need to stand up in court and be able to support facts of the case. 

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How BIM Technology is Being Used in Smart City Development

Building Information Modeling or BIM changes the future of cities around the globe. Serving as a digital representation of places by creating 3-D models of their physical and functional characteristics, the process is being explored in locations that would benefit from the smarter infrastructure. Building Information Models or BIMs are files that can be accessed and shared with appropriate parties responsible for making cities safer, more efficient, and better capable to account for a growing population of citizens.

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