Workers Increase Efficiency with Rugged Tablets for Job Related Tasks

Among a diverse set of industries, companies are seeking to assist their teams with improving productivity and increasing job efficiency, helping their teams work smarter not harder. Technology is playing a large role in simplifying job-related tasks, improving outdated processes, and streamlining projects. As customer demands increase, and the landscape of business operations as we once knew it, changes rapidly given the current state of affairs in the world, teams are in need of supportive tools that improve their working life and remove barriers that reduce productivity.

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Rugged Tablets Improve Infrastructure Projects

Infrastructure projects nationwide are a crucial part of keeping our cities functioning properly with residents and visitors able to travel the roads safely. Infrastructure projects ensure our country’s roads, bridges, power, and energy grids are maintained and kept in good condition. The country’s infrastructure is depended on by millions of people to safely get to work, and travel between places. 

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Installation Crews Depend on Rugged Technology for Improved Process Flow

In the past installation, crews have depended on paper and pencil to survey, scope, and record progress on installation projects. Written drawings, blueprints, and notes were kept in a pad of paper and later transferred to software on a computer, leaving room for human error, lost paperwork, and delayed timing for project completion.

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City Planning Teams Depend on Rugged Tablets for Job Efficiency

City planning and management teams are responsible for keeping track of utilities crews and maintenance projects around the city to ensure the city, as well as all bridges, utility lines, and sewers, are functioning well. Planning managers are also tasked with planning and overseeing new development projects for the city.

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First Responders Improve Customer Service with Rugged Tablets

First responders are becoming more reliant on fast technology that enables them to provide more efficient customer service. As times are quickly changing to a need to service more customers while maintaining quality care, durable technology is the answer for real-time communication, more efficient billing processes, and improved patient care from transport to hospital.

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