End of Year Budget and Planning – Rugged Tablets Make a Great Investment

As the end of the year approaches, many companies find themselves with an excess budget that needs to be spent before the end of the year. This is a great time to invest in technology that helps your business run more efficiently in the upcoming year. Rugged tablets are the perfect investment for your team to improve operations and communication, which is why you should consider budgeting, planning, and buying them to streamline your employee’s work.

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RTK and GNSS Tablets for Crash Reconstruction & Traffic Enforcement

Rugged tablets have become crucial tools for law enforcement and first responders as well as for court officials, allowing for rapid, accurate mapping of crash scenes and reconstruction to help determine the causes and outcomes of such crashes.

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Rugged Tablets Are Making BIM Accessible to Engineers

While Building Information Modeling (BIM) has improved traditional building design, keeping the BIM up-to-date typically requires professional survey crews, specialty service providers or in-house teams, like the Greenwich Interior Designer, with specialized equipment to measure the as-built state of a project and do a model update.

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