Rugged Tablets are the Perfect Asset Tracker for Military Bases

Asset and supply tracking is crucial for military bases so they can accurately know how many supplies they have and when they could run out, for proper ordering dates. Military personnel responsible for asset tracking depend on reliable technology to help them track and manage the assets that keep missions moving forward. 

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Track and Manage Assets with Rugged Tablets

For industries where assets are a crucial component to the company, the business needs reliable, effective technology and tools to assist with asset management to ensure they are tracked and stored properly so that when records need to be pulled, they are quickly available. Accuracy of said records are of the utmost importance when it comes to compliance requirements, financial reporting, inventory tracking, and operational planning. 

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DT Research Rugged Tablets: Revolutionizing Emergency Service

Ambulance crews rely heavily on technology to support their daily work lives to communicate with dispatch, the hospital, and each other, ensuring optimal patient care. More and more, they are turning towards rugged, mobile devices to withstand the often harsh environments in which they operate. During situations where first responders are involved, rugged tablets matter where things are moving quickly and an immediate response time is of the highest importance.

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Drone Forensics and Rugged Tablets for Accurate Processing of Crime Scenes

Processing a crime scene requires thorough, accurate documentation of every single piece of potential evidence at the scene. Oftentimes processing a crime scene takes hours to process to ensure all of the information is documented correctly. Information that is collected and stored must be done so in a manner that can hold up in court. 

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Improved Performance and Communications for the Marines with Rugged Tablets

The Marines operations today are more dependent than ever on computing power. From military bases to deployments, military rugged tablets enable personnel to have data, applications and tools at their fingertips while protecting the electronics from the harsh conditions of multiple locations and environments.

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