Medical Grade Tablets Enable Telehealth for Back-to-School Season

As kids all over the country head back to school, healthcare facilities plan to utilize telehealth as a tool for student physicals and health issues that may arise during the school year. Doctor’s offices have had a year and a half to understand how telehealth can be used to treat patients from a distance, while still providing quality care.

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Rugged Medical Tablets: Comprehensive Line

Rugged tablets are designed to be durable in extreme environmental conditions. They are designed to withstand real-world use in a variety of situations, have reliable access to information, and can provide communication from anywhere in real-time. There’s no question that mobile technology is omnipresent in everyday healthcare practices. But why not just choose an off-the-shelf mobile device?

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Rugged Tablets for More Efficient and Streamlined Processes for First Responders

Emergency services worldwide are facing increased pressures to improve response times. Emergency medical services (EMS) providers are now looking for innovative ways to maintain a high quality of service with a lower cost. There is a need now for emergency responders to be able to send information from the response site to the hospital before arrival. Sending insurance and preliminary treatment information over prior to arrival makes check-in and processing much faster.

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Rugged Tablets for Emergency Billing

Surprise or delayed medical bills can be a real issue for both patients and medical staff. The bigger the internal lag, the more time between service and payments. From the ambulance ride to the arrival at the hospital, staff should be aware of the patients information for both care and billing purposes. The more the hospital knows and sooner, the faster and more efficiently the patient receives treatment. Heres how rugged tablets can aid hospitals and first responders with faster information transfer.

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Medical Tablets Aid Senior Community Healthcare Workers

While mobile devices have been in use for decades, few could have foreseen how prolific the advancements in mobile technology would be, especially over the past ten years. Few have escaped the impact of mobile technology, including the senior community healthcare industry.

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